Those eligible for membership are graduates, and any Whitesboro Central faculty or staff (past or present).
As a member of the Association you will:
- Receive the Association Newsletter in Spring and Fall
- Keep in touch with other Alumni and Faculty.
- Stay abreast of various reunion activities.
- Receive announcements of Association programs, such as the annual banquet & golf tournament.
- Contribute to the Association mission: scholarships, Teachers’ Hall of Fame, & student/school programs.
- Be eligible to serve on the Association Board of Directors & all Association committees.
Annual Meeting - October 15th, 2024
Annual Banquet - June 1, 2025 Those Receiving Emailed Newsletters: The emailed newsletters come from "John St. Pierre at Presto Print." DO NOT respond to that email address as it goes to the printer, NOT the Whitesboro Alumni Association. Since this is a massive emailing, be sure to check your email settings, junk mail folder, etc. if you have not received your newsletter by May 15th in the spring and October 31st in the fall! Also, check your subject line for information regarding your membership status.